FAQs / Downloads


* Registration form:




Open Sessions?
Everybody can come to the open sessions to practice their circus arts. There is usually a specific disciplinary focus in each training session. For example, Juggling or acrobatics. The training is NOT instructed but supervised. If enough space is available alternative types of training may be permitted. This can be discussed with the session supervisor. Times: Mon. to Fri. 8:15 pm to about 10 pm. Costs for people who are not members of VUESCH e.V.: 5 euros per evening plus a heating charge for all parties involved, if heated (7,50€ per hour, divided between all participants).
What do I have to do to train here?
Just come over to free practice. → Open sessions. There you can look at the rooms and meet people who share the same interests as you. Or – sign up for a course. → Courses

When are the open sessions?
Monday to Friday, from 8.15pm to 10pm.

 All disciplines

*Training is occasionally suspended during school holidays.

When are the courses?
The courses always take place from 6.15pm to 8.15pm Monday to Friday. To find out who does what, click ‘Courses’. Courses are also open to non-members.

Can I bring my dog?
No. Unfortunately we cannot permit dogs on the premises.

What requirements must I fulfil in order to take part in a course?
In order to train in the adult area of the VUESCH e.V. you have to be at least 18 years old. As circus arts involve exertion and movement, you should be physically fit so that you can participate in the initial training session. Furthermore, you should be free of injury. If you already have previous experience, you are welcome to go to the open sessions → open sessions or take a look at the course offer → Courses

Do I need previous experience to train here?
See section above.

What is the cost?

Open Sessions: For non-members, €5.00 per evening plus a heating supplement of (7,50€ per hour in winter, divided between all participants.

Courses: The courses cost €17.00 per appointment. There is also a multi-pass available for €150 that gives the holder access to all available courses at the same time.

You are also welcome to become a full-time member of VUESCH e.V, the membership fee is €18.00 per month. If you are having trouble keeping up with your contributions, please email our finance department at beitrag@vuesch.org. The membership fees are essential in keeping the club running. The fees cover our rent, the maintenance of the rooms, and the purchase of new equipment. The membership is ongoing and should be paid every month, even if you are not in Berlin using the rooms. If you are away for a longer amount of time and wish to terminate your membership, please write to us so we can take you off the membership list and know not to expect your payment. Do not simply just cancel the payment without telling us as it create a very complicated bureaucracy for us! The membership can be terminated in writing or by email at any time.

Can I hire you for performances?
There are numerous artists at VEUSCH e.V. who practice various disciplines (juggling, acrobatics, aerial art, clownery, tightrope walking etc.). Just send us a message with your request, and we will gladly forward your enquiry to our members.

Where is your tent?
An area of the children’s and youth’s area of the Vuesch has a tent. Check our homepage at the SCHATZINSEL. There you will find more information about our tent.

How old do I have to be?
In the VUESCH adult area (evening classes and free practice), you must be 18 years old. If you’re younger – have a look at the -> Zirkus Zack or the -> Schatzinsel

How do I sign up?
Under the “Downloads” section, you can download the membership application form as a PDF file. Simply print, complete and bring to your session. Or ask a training supervisor/course leader who also has membership applications. As soon as the membership fee has been paid you are officially a member. You can take part in the open sessions with no further fee. You do not have to be a member of VUESCH e.V. to take part in the courses. Important: Please read the house rules.

Can I ride unicycle with you?
At the moment we have neither a training session nor a course for unicycling. Our rooms are also not very suitable. There is a unicycle club in Berlin, do you know it? It can be found here.

Can I give you a donation?

With pleasure! Since we are a non-profit association, we can also accept a tax-deductible donation and issue a receipt. Our bank details are as follows:

Bank account:
Verein zur Überwindung der Schwerkraft e.V.
Account No : 652046102
Sort Code: 100 100 10 IBAN: DE05100100100652046102 BIC: PBNKDEFF
Postbank Berlin

Please enter your name and address so that we can send you a donation receipt. Furthermore, the word “SPENDE” should be used as the payment reference. Thank you.

If I have no money, can I still train?

The association is trying to help in this context. If someone cannot pay the contribution due to financial difficulties, there are alternative solutions, please ask someone from the finance department (beitrag@vuesch.org).

How do I cancel my membership?
Please send an email to: info@vuesch.org with the subject line “Unsubscribe”. Please enter your full name in the mail text – and kindly provide a reason for your departure. Please ensure you cancel any standing orders to the club through your bank. Thank you.

Can I train trapeze with you, if I don’t have my own?

– We do not offer any communal equipment unfortunately. However there are often friendly people training in the room who are happy to share and train with others. Always ask first if someone is ok with you using their equipment – never just assume its ok.
– You have never trained trapeze – come to a course. In the courses there is always enough equipment for everyone.

Can I practice partner acrobatics with you, even though I don’t have an acrobatic partner?

– You’ve already done partner acrobatics: come to an open session. There is the possibility of meeting people with the same interests.
– You have never done partner acrobatics: look at the course offer. Maybe there’s something that suits you.

Can I get involved in the club?
Yes, just occasionally participate in construction or clean-up activities.

I have a question which is not answered here?
Send us your question by email (info@vuesch.org). Thank you – we’ll take care of it.